
Cultivate & Motivate

Learnings, teachings and tips & tricks for anyone to reference while Designing Interiors



A beautiful and unique corner of a space lets out your nervousness. That corner actually speaks to you. It invites you to accompany the space and you actually feel the warmness of your corner. Alright, so now you are getting it right. We all want and need an enlightening corner in our spaces. If we look into our homes, we need a comforting and cozy cornerwhich will replenish our energy to carry out new things in life. 

We don’t notice this thing, but we are sub-consciously getting affected by the things around us. An enchanting corner in your home will stimulate positive emotions like happiness, comforting sense and safety. This works in every situation.

If you are feeling exhausted, you can just visit you happy corner and be in the moment. It’s like a magical tunnel, wherein you take your problems going in from one end, and come out with brightening solutions on the other end. Your happy corner will help you reflect upon your life. How come is it possible? Well, if you love reading or painting or any other form of activity, doing anything in that corner will help you focus and generate new ideas. You’ll feel so satisfied, in that whole moment within your happy corner.

Putting theories aside, let’s get creative and grab our tools! Here are some creative ideas/themes which you can choose to build your own distinguishing corner:

1.     “Calm” AKA Composed Theme: Very much common, but has distinctive features in every individual’s home. You can go for a very subtle and relaxing theme, which will help in rebooting your mood whenever you feel a sad wave. And it can add up more stillness in your happy moments…so go ahead and get creative.


2.     “Picturesque” AKA Photogenic Theme: We all click pictures because they help us save a memory. We recollect the moments, looking back into our pictures. So why not make our homes, photogenic? Want people to talk about that corner of your home, then add up some pop, some fun, some light and some style to your space. 


3.     “Dreamy/Intimate” AKA Romantic Theme: Bring in the privacy and coziness, play with lights, furniture, wall frames and make your corner filled with love. Reflect some passion so your mood flows in a subtle fling. 


We hope that you are already ready with your theme. With very simple elements in your home, you can also create a unique corner for your home and light up the whole mood! 


You can make your happy home, an enchanting home…


Luxury living is still a dream for many of us, because from a far perspective it seems impossible to acquire. But what if we tell you some simple and effective techniques which you can use to enhance the mood of your space. So let’s put things straight, all that you will need is nothing complex. You have to get the inspiration, be particular for what you want your space to look like and read this article to the end. And there you go…

Sustainability is not always about making surroundings cleaner, but it also includes finding ways in which you can use a given resource efficiently. As an instance, our homes can have solar paneling system so we can use the appliances with the greener form of energy. Out of many possible ways, we all are aware what’s best for our environment. 

Of course, we plant trees, use eco-friendly fuels, recycle plastic material and what not. But have you ever paid attention to the bigger picture. Imagine if every 7 homes out of 10 are built out of sustainable techniques of construction, we’ll make the environment approximately 31% cleaner and refreshing. Now let’s face it, we know that buildings are constructed all across the globe and the growth rate keeps on increasing. 

This leads to:

·      Excessive dust gets into the air, which leads to air pollution. 

·      Researchers claim that construction contributes to 50% of climate change.

·      While digging the ground, excessive use of tools may hinder the soil’s properties which may further lead to soil erosion.

·      Noise pollution is another form of ailment.  

All of these and other hidden factors makes the perception of luxury living even more difficult. People claim to rather save the cost than making the whole concept difficult. 


But this was just one side. The other end of the card, is still not discovered by many people. Now you can construct your buildings sustainably and then you can actually make its interior sustainable too! Yes, with all the richness and comfort, we designers stand upright to make your space look expensive without causing any extra environmental damage. Here are the tools and all the workforce, let’s get to work:



Now that’s a long term investment and a good interior designer will definitely make it worth. An interior designer will conduct a study about your space and will make you aware of all the installments that you can implement in your space. The designer is well trained to work within your budget, so you are all sorted to communicate openly and add that special missing quality in your space. 



Yes because Minimalism is the new normal. We believe that every individual has that skill of styling their space according to their own mood and preferences. Understand the LEVELS OF LUXURY, because very individual pictures “Luxury” differently. For some, luxury is everything expensive and bold, for some it is to have only statement pieces and for some “Comfortable living” is itself Luxury. Once you know that what level you want to work upon, you are good to go. This step will help you in cost reduction during the actual execution.  






When we hear about “Interior Design”, what do we imagine? All the lavish spaces, with perfect lighting, amazing wall treatments, furniture having its own comfort and some beautiful and decorative motifs. Interior design is itself a unique area to explore as it has its own diversities, and it follows an inspiration for a raw idea to work.   

The real purpose to design a space, is to make its living experience worthwhile. So, why do we always look into the bigger picture, missing out the very homely element in our lives? Why do our own homes skip on being a truly beautiful space to live?

The answer is very simple. For many people, design tends to be an “Expensive Investment”, however this is not the real picture. One must know, that a designer works for their client’s comfortable living say it in fashion, or communication, or obviously in interior. A good designer understands the ultimate value of the three forces: time, money and energy. He/she is all the way capable of doing magic, which turns the impossible into possible.

Let us first understand that why a large proportion of general public is insecure about turning the ways of their home around with the help of interior design.

·       Some people lack trust in the design process because when the designer presents a quote to the client, they may have a perception that this price tag is just too high to make things look pretty.

·       People think that they have to spend another extra charges for maintaining the designer’s things in the space to make its existence prevail for many years.

·       They are insecure about a particular project taking too much time to complete. However, this fact is true for some projects not all. There are projects, that require minimal workforce, and there are projects which require a huge quantity of various elements like time, workforce, money, etc.

·       In some cases, due to inconvenient communication, the client is unable to build the trust in how the final design will look. 

A good designer understands, that for any client it is important that their investment pays them well. And here comes the fact of not judging a book by its cover, because every designer has their own set of rules and the workflow of activities.


So, if we talk about that you want to renovate your home and make it feel more lively and welcoming, and you are not sure how to go about the adventure? Not to worry, as we’ve got you with the most “simple and effective techniques” that you can use to GET THAT LOOK FOR YOUR INDIAN HOME!

1.     KNOW WHAT YOU PREFER: This is the most interesting stepping stone which will make the process even easier and creative for you. All you have to do is a grab a notepad and a pen, and start writing down all the things you’ll need for your home, how you feel in that space, how artistic you want to be, do you want your artwork on the walls or if you follow a hobby, will you make a specific corner for that, and many questions like these. You can start with a single room, like bedroom or living room or even bathroom. Remember, it’s all about you, so you are free to move ahead at your own easy pace.

2.     INVITE IN SOME GOOD LIGHTING OPTIONS: We are automatically attracted to a beautiful space, and the main element which adds to the beauty is obviously lighting. Depending on the mood of a space, lighting colors, its intensity and brightness are decided. For example, if you like your bedroom dark, silent and cozy, you may include dim lighting options and table lamps that emit warm colors like hints of yellow. 

3.     MAKE SOME SPACE FOR COLORS TO DO MAGIC: Yes, because colors make us happy, and they subconsciously affects our mood. So let’s say that you are person who likes everything light and simple, then one best option amongst others would be a “PASTEL COLOR SCHEME”. Pastel colors are light and pretty because they have a tint of white in it which makes a color more light and bright. And if you are a person who is not so interested in colors, then you may just add some colorful art pieces for wall art or for the show piece. This will make sure that your “place looks happy” without hindering your basic requirements.

4.     HAVE A STATEMENT THAT MATCHES YOUR PERSONALITY: Now, we often hear statement furniture, statement show piece but to make things simple and accessible anything can be your statement piece. It can be curtains, cushions, crockery, cabinets, etc. You can choose tiniest and/or biggest things to exhibit the real personality of you. It will make your home look aesthetic and expensive.

5.     LAST BUT NOT LEAST: If you find any difficulty, don’t hesitate to hire a designer for your home. To invest in a good designer also requires some research work, so choose the best for yourself. 

It doesn’t matter how much of an extrovert you are, or how much do you love spending time outside. The truth is that every person returns home at the end of the day, and thus it is necessary that your home should make you feel welcoming and warming. These were the most effective and quick tricks that any individual can apply to make their Indian Home look even more beautiful and worthy of living.

We challenge you to now look around your room and decide that is your room giving you a satisfaction of living or are you in a mood to make some changes out there!?

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

  • It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.